Monday, March 30, 2009

More Pictures

All the kids on the big yellow slide. Tyler by the fire place, he loved turning it on and off
Just Relaxing
All the kids trying to get Grandpa up to go swimming
Still trying.
Grandpa's Reading material. Grandma forgot to bring him a book
High hopes that Grandpa was coming swimming.
Unfortunately, he didn't come.
Poor Maddie. Can't dress herself. Her mean mommy
got her some cubbie pants and made her a shirt that
said Cardinals Stink on the front and Go Cubs on the back.
For the first time I heard Maddie scream. She was very unhappy
about this outfit. She really liked my Cardinal outfits.
You should have seen her smile and laugh.
Maddie supervizing at the waterpark
The girls being funny!!
The nice surprise that we woke up to on Sunday
Aren't they cute!!!
Taylor and her new goggles
Angel and her new goggles
The girls on the big yellow slide

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