Thursday, February 18, 2010


I am hoping that for Lent I can keep up on my blog. We will see how this goes. Once again I am so sorry it has been so long. Things are going good around here. Very busy but good.

We had the flu in our house a couple weeks ago. I am the only one who did not get it even though I was puked on by Tyler a few times. The night he had it, he went through 4 pairs of pajamas and I went through 3 pairs of pajamas. Needless to say we had a lot of laundry. I stayed home with the kids then on Monday due to the flu. On Tuesday and Wednesday we were home due to snow. I only worked 2 days last week. Thursday and Friday were parent-teacher conferences at work so Thursday was a long day and Friday was a half day. I really enjoyed my work week last week.

This past weekend, we went down south to celebrate Jason's grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. It was a great time. We had a very late night so that meant the kids needed to get up early on Sunday. Tyler had a birthday party to go to at a bowling alley. He had a great time. Monday was no school for the kids and no work for me. I am really getting used to having short weeks.

This week I also had a change at work. I am in a different room, still working with Infant and Toddlers, and I have new hours. I now work 9-5:30. I can get the kids on the bus and I don't have to rush in the mornings. It is wonderful. I miss the room I was in though. I was just starting to get comfortable and understanding how things work and now I have to learn how the new room does it all. Oh well. I wanted a challenge and I am getting it. If I don't get it at work, I will get it at home. Just makes you a stronger person right.

Well I better get going. Need to get the kids in bed and this seems to take a while for me. Everything hurts once they are in bed. Hope this finds everyone well.